I moved to Warwick in 1971 and engaged myself in the Gurdjieff work at the Chardavoyne Barn (the meeting place for the group) lead by Mr. Nyland. Gurdjieff  a Spiritual philosopher and Mystic created a system of work for man’s development.  (reference in abridged auto biography p.1 and 3 last paragraphs). The group had their own business, school for the children up to middle school, and a Guest house for people coming from far, or the city who needed a place to stay. While I was there, I started Chardavoyne Batik, worked a lunch business at the Amity Bakery, managed the Guest House and spent a summer at Brewster caring for Mr. Nyland’s wife Ilonka Karasz an established artist best known for her covers of the New Yorker over a span of more then 50 years.

The Gurdjieff Work

W.A. Nyland Gurdjieff Groups

Mr. Nyland was extraordinarily devoted to the Gurdjieff teaching